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Mystical Experiences

To witness an event that is mystical means to be present during an experience that is beyond the physical perception of the human senses through prayer, meditation, etc. A spiritual enlightenment by the divine. St. Bridget of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, St. Hildegard of Bingen, Teresa of Avila, to name a few that have connected in an extrasensory dimension of reality not limited to ritual, visitation, and mysterious power while communication with the supernatural move of God. Mystics have an ongoing inner dialogue in the heavenly realm daily.  Mystics  will generally have all the more clear 'dreams' from God, as well as a consciousness of the heavenly and other powerful existences such as angels and supernatural realities. I consider signs from God to be valuable open doors for additional mystical experiences and even look for signs to have these experiences. They require minimal affirming proof since I am inclined toward the believing that everything points to the supernatural move of God. Every day I walk and talk with the Lord. I listen close and move when the Holy Spirit tells me to move. To give up and surrender to the will of the Lord.  View the images below as I invite you into my  experience with divine. 


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During a Dark Night of Soul

If you ever experienced a Dark Night of Soul you'll agree that your either going under or clinging to Christ. I had this candle lit during the darkest time of my life. If this doesn't look like a symbolic sacrificial alter with a Saint lighting the way for me then everything I believe is a farse. I captured this picture because it totally reminds me of Genesis 22. When God tested Abraham but gave him a ram.  Horns and all.

Meet Walter

This puppy came into my life the day before Sept. 11 anniversary, of 2021. Well, having loss a very close (almost brother) friend of the family on 9/11 named Walter, we naturally named the puppy Walter.  Realizing Walter was mixed with shepard collie that loved to shepard my 6 cats at the time I found a loving home for Walter. On the drive to meet his new home, the new parents were driving in the car. The husband turned to the wife and said His name will be Walter." They didn't know his name prior to meeting him until they got to the place to meet him for the first time. He was introduced as "Walter". The husband could not believe it.

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Mary Meet Mary Meet Mary

This is more of a family heirloom . Picture it Brooklyn in the 1940's. Grandma Mary doing dishes in the kitchen hears a woman's voice telling her to go look on the fire escape where she stored her pots and pans. She immediately went and saw the back of her dutch oven pot etched on the bottom with layers of cloak and veil, of the Virgin Mary.  Well, now my mother Mary has this etching of Mother Mary.  I pray I receive it to keep the blessing of the Virgin Mary in the family.

The Shadow of Tav 

The Lord gave me a realization one morning in the secret place. I had then decided to shower.  Still thinking about my prayer time with the Lord, when I  finally stepped out of the shower the Tav symbol was a shadow on the wall. It was backwards based on the porcelain figurine I had on the shelf. In ancient times it means "sign, covenant". In Hebrew it means "truth". Also abbreviated Jah, the most common name of God in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton, יהוה, that is usually transcribed as YHWH. 


Your Energy Goes with You

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Let's just say when your blood pressure drops this low due to having a medical condition, you realize that your senses start to fade. The thoughts you have and your perception of time, for me anyway, were not fading although my vision and my ability to move in the body were fading fast. At this point, I was reminded of the same consciousness I discovered during my outer body experience almost 25 years ago due to a medical experience.  I'm convinced that our energy and our consciousness stays though the body senses will not. We take it all with us. Of course this is my opinion only. No pain, no suffering, only peace and all spirit.  When my time here is over I will look for Christ to lead my spirit to the Kingdom of heaven. 

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