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Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational or educational purposes only. Christina Forestieri or nor this website does not provide medical advise.

Viewer of any content on this site recognizes that Christina Forestieri is not a licensed Tennessee State mental health professional and does not provide psychotherapy, counseling, or any other mental
health service that would require a license, nor does coach hold themselves out to provide such services. Christina Forestieri is not a medical doctor and does not practice medicine.
Therapists diagnose and provide professional expertise and guidelines. Christina Forestieri is a Minister and supports those obtain services, to identify the challenges, then work in partnership with clients to obtain their spiritual goals. Christina Forestieri makes it clear that she is not a Clinical Pastoral Counselor. Christina Forestieri does not diagnose, cure, heal, treat, test for disease or otherwise prescribe medication. Any information provided or information on this website is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional or any advice from a legal professional if need be. Any sessions provided by Christina Forestieri do not in any way constitute legal, medical, financial, or professional advice. As a minister and all perspectives through any published content on this site is approached through a spiritual lens. Christina Forestieri does not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results, perspectives, accuracy of information or opinions formed based off any information and or content on this site.
Viewer understands the content and or information on this site solely for insight purposes only and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgment, direction, advice, or treatment. Viewers understands that Christina Forestieri makes no guarantees of any particular outcome. Since references to the future and outcomes of life are based on God’s divine timeline, potentials, possibilities, and probabilities at the time of the session based on your actions and other people’s actions or inactions and due to interpretation as to what was interpreted from any content or information from this website Christina Forestieri makes no guarantee for redemption for those seeking forgiveness for any sins they may have committed. View understands that Christina Forestieri is not a Priest, or any form of clergy that participates in the Sacrament of Confession nor does this site imply or infer such.

Viewer understands that Christina Forestieri is not a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Professional Counselor/Mental
Health Service Provider (LPC/MHSP), Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapist (CPT),
Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Certified Psychoanalysts or Psychotherapist . Viewer also understands that they are completely responsible for their own perception and interpretation of any and all material and content on this website as well as any business, emotional life, health concerns, financial concerns, personal life, spiritual life, actions and the results or outcomes of their actions that they are experiencing in their life, and they initiate the continuing to website with this in mind and in continuing viewing this site acknowledges and agrees to not hold Christina Forestieri not responsible for any outcomes, circumstances regarding your personal life, emotional life, spiritual life, family life, mental state or any outcomes, perspectives, accuracy of information or opinions formed based on any information based on this site and you agree with statements made in this disclaimer before continuing to this website.

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