Mental Health Awareness Certification
Life Coaching Certification
Spirituality Coach Certification
Methods of Incorporating Spirituality in Every Day Life
Spiritual Philosophy
Cutting the Karmic Cords
Connecting WIthin
Neuro- Linguistic Programming Coach Practitioner (NLP)
Mindfulness, Complementary Medical Association
Mindfulness-based Interventions
Cognitive Therapy,
Insights into Psychoneuroimmunology.
Herbal Health Certification
XSeries Program Catalyst - Inclusive Leadership Training
Leading with Effective Communication Certification:
Get Beyond Work-Life Balance
Becoming a Successful Leader
University Of Metaphysical Sciences
2019 - Present
World Religion, Meditation Skills, Shadow Work, Transforming Personality, Enneagram, Psychic Skills, Connecting with Angels, God, Goddesses and Mythology, The Craft, Herbs, A Spiritual Approach, Spiritual Symbols & Colors, Mantras & Mudras, Archetypes, Great Spiritual masters & Leaders.
UMS is accredited by both the American Association Of Drugless Practitioners & the American Alternative Medical Association.
Penn Foster College
April 2003
Child Day Care Management Diploma:
Child Growth & Development I & II, Facility, Staff, Licensing,
Accreditation & Certification, Program Planning,
Caring for School Aged Children, Guidance, Health of the Young Child,
Nutrition, Financing & Budget, Working with Parents, Planning &
Implementing, Guidance and Safety for the Young Child.
Demonology 101
Basics of Criminal Investigation
​Introduction to Parapsychology
"Religion, Conflict and Peace, Harvard X
SoulCare 101
Metaphysical Science
Applying Metaphysics to Life
Relationship of the Body, Mind and Soul,
Consciousness & Awareness
Mind & Heart
Philosophy of Metaphysics, History & Meaning
Metaphysical Scientists & Cosmology
Certified Pastoral Counseling Certificate, Saint Gregory's Vocational Academy
Social Work Practice Certificate: (Advocating Social Justice and Change, Cultural Humility, Engagement Skills, Assessment in Social Work w/ Individuals & Families, Adverse Childhood Events, Intervention Planning, Empowerment, Social Justice, Core values & Psycho-educational & Multi-systemic Intervention Approaches.) University of Michigan
HIV/AIDS Adolescent Awareness Training Workshop Certificate
Teens in Touch Peer Counseling Training Certificate
How To Write A Business Plan Certificate
Other Earned Credits include: Grief Counseling, Faith & The Bible, Marriage & Family Issues, Ethics & Morals, Power in Prayer, Survey of New Testament, Studies on Church & State, Survey of Old Testament, Religious Education & Youth, Techniques in Effective Leadership, Ceremonies & Procedure.- Missionary Chapel & Seminary School.
Other areas of Study include: Salvation, Baptism, Water Baptism, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Identity, A Culture of Honor, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, The Power Gifts, The utterance of Gifts, The Revelation of Gifts, The Motivational Gifts, The Secret Place, Fasting, How to Cast out Demons, What to Do if Demons Won't Leave. - The Supernatural Life Community.
The Five Fold Ministry. - The Kingdom Company.
Compassion & Choices, Since June 2021, Volunteer
Needprayer.com Prayer Network
Since Since December, 2022
LegalShield Member since 2020

The Kingdom Company - Since November, 2022
Amedisys, - Hospice Volunteer , Since May 2022
Missionary Chapel and Seminary
Registered Member- Since January, 2022
Needprayer.com Prayer Network Since December, 2022
Honorary Doctorate Degree In Divinity
Missionary Chapel and Seminary
January 2022
Honorary Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
Missionary Chapel and Seminary 2022
Individuals and Services
Best of Monroe 2015 Award /C.O.O.
The Fight Against Hunger Organization

My Journey

I had what I thought was a "normal life".

but then the enemy came to kill, steal and destroy. BUT, he didn't win. After my Dark Night of Soul, I moved to the "Bible Belt" and became "born again". My "spiritual awakening" as some would call it. I even got re baptized. "Protestant Reformation here I come!"
My Ordination, Laying of Hands Ceremony & Baptism on Pentecost Sunday, 2022 preformed by Smokey Mountain Wedding Preacher and N.A.C.M. TN State Local Elder, Pastor Jody Secaur of Gospel Mountain Ministries

Here I am as a licensed, ordained Minister. I started prayer
groups and volunteering for hospice. I attended a non denominationa
church/worship concerts and was all about being joyful that the Lord saved me from a bad chapter in my life. Also, in my experience with the demonic and supernatural I came across a Demonology online course.

​I was fascinated that I didn't know anything about my original religious upbringing and studied and studied and studied until I realized (in my opinion) that the Catholics knew just a little more about exorcisms than most of the deliverance ministers on social media. I know this because I have experienced first hand what demonic activity entails. It was a Sunday when I felt the conviction to go to an actual confession. Why? Because it takes accountability, obedience and courage to sit face to face and let your deepest buried bad decisions surface so you can be reminded of the grace and forgiveness the Lord has for us through the absolution that was granted to the priests to deliver to us through Jesus Christ. I cried that I just wanted to be home and I went back to confession 3 times that month. The Holy Spirit from that moment on was on a mission and a half to get me to purge all that sin from my past out of my spirit. Since then, I attend Sunday mass weekly, celebrate the Eucharist and I research the scriptures diving into Catholicism and I recently became a member of the Old Catholic Church. I still listen to "elevation" worship music and the like but there is nothing like the Gregorian chant. I still share my story how I thought I "saved" by Christ in 2020 but the fact of the matter is He never left. I am a licensed, ordained female minister through the National Association of Christian Ministers that can perform sacramental rights but I do not. I do offer free spiritual life coaching sessions on this site. My whole life I have walked in the paranormal and these expereiences that No one can convince me otherwise. We are all a spiritual work in progress and only Christ, Jesus of Nazareth is perfect, it's a journey and I will offer my support and experiences with you all. Topics