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"Spiritual and knowledgeable lady. I highly recommend following. She is a Minister and a devout Christian."- Andy A.


"Theresa has been so helpful with helping me with my dads memorial and ideas. She even wrote me a memorial speech and it was spot on it’s like God laid the perfect words on her heart. I eventually found out we attend the same church and met her a week later she’s so helpful and a blessing in my life, even though, we don’t speak on the daily."- Jade Nevaeh Albright McCarter


"Theresa is an amazing friend and a strong woman. Who has given me great spiritual guidance thru our years and time spent. I have been able to ask her about situations that confuse me and her guidance has helped me clarify what direction I would like to take. I am so thankful to have her in my life."- Julie Kern


"Its been a pleasure working with Christina. She shows a lot of passion and enthusiasm. Even if things are not going as planned, she can always find a way to keep moving forward. The residents at our facility love her prayer circles as well as the energy she brings with her. Christina, keep being yourself and keep striving for the things you want, need and deserve in life, it never is too late until its too late but even then, you always find another way." -Keith M. Former Co-Worker


"I have met Christina Theresa online several years ago through a good friend. At the time, I provided consulting services for her online business. I found Christina Theresa to be easy to communicate with as she always opened her heart to suggestions and took actions to improve her work. I would highly recommend Christina Theresa as she is a good person with a gift of guided spiritual work."- Sharon Remeikis


"Christina Theresa is a very caring person. She tries to help wherever she can. Christina Theresa tries to see the best in every situation."- Felisha Szelesta


"This women is my favorite. She's basically seen and lived hell. Christians, so-called Christians and EVERYONE ELSE- Give her your time and watch her videos and let God into your heart."- Anonymous Twitter Follower 


"I have known Christina since junior high. She's always been there for me. She was the friend that I needed and always showed me a better way to look at things. We had lost touch for some time years ago but I always carried her with me and knew one day (thanks to the internet) we would find each other and reconnect. I'm so glad we did. It was amazing to see how she had grown. She is solid in her faith and following her path. An amazing woman."-Mercy Love


"You gotta just follow this lady. She'll save some folks and further educate those who are skeptical, unaware and sadly...those who yet to care."

- Anonymous


"Christina Theresa is a highly respected community organizer and an advocate for those who are

less fortunate. I had the pleasure of working with her and her organization, Fight Against Hunger, in 2012.

I witnessed, first hand, her tireless work ethic and commitment to change. Although it’s been some time, I

clearly recall her tenacious, yet warm spirit which brightened the communities she served. Please accept t

his recommendation and character reference and feel free to reach me directly with any questions.

- Ricardo Suber 5LINX Senior Vice President & Global Expansion Leader.




"We planned a day and as special as our time together normally is this was an experience like no other. We drove by a sign saying "Prayer Rally"and pulled into a park full of strangers. Worried we didn't fit in or be we wouldn't be welcomed we hesitated but got out of the truck anyway. Something called her there or at least what I thought was just for her.... just shows how much when you really need God He will always walk beside you and show you just where you need to be. And did I need today. More than I even knew. thank you Chris for a moment I'll never forget..." Mishelle Antonellu.


In this short time I have had with Theresa I have developed a sister ship with her believing she is a true sister in Christ.-Bethany L. 


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